All Android phones and tablets support the standard font change size option. The setting allows the user to increase the text if the text size is small or to decrease an excessively large text size. The instructions in this article will help you understand how to adjust the font size on Android.
How do I change font size on my phone?
Changing the font size in the system settings will affect the text size in all phone menus and applications. To change the font size in the system, follow these steps:
1. Open the system settings on your phone.

2. Scroll the page, and then select the Display menu.

3. In the next menu, open Font Size.

4. From the change font menu, select your preferred font size.

How do I change font size on Samsung?
The procedure for changing the font size on Samsung phones and tablets is the same as on most other manufacturers’ phones. Optionally, Samsung phones and tablets allow users to change the font style and type.
- Open the system settings of your Samsung phone or tablet.
- Select the Display menu.
- In the next menu, select “Font size and style.”
- In the new menu, slide the switch at the bottom of the screen to change the font size.
- To change the font style, tap Font Style. On the next menu, choose a font style. Or, click on “Download Fonts” to search for and download new fonts.
How do I change the font size in a mobile app?
In some app settings, you can change the font size. Changing the font and font style only affects the selected app.
- Open the app settings.
- Select the Display, Text Size, or Special Features menu.
- On the next menu, select the size or scale of the text.
How do I change the font size in the Launcher?
When using the custom launcher, the system font settings may not affect the display of menu and desktop fonts. In this case, font changes must be made in the Launcher settings. As an example, let’s look at changing the font size in Nova Launcher.
1. Open the Launcher settings.

2. To change the font size on your desktop, select “Home Screen”.

3. From the new menu, select Icon Layout.

4. In the preview menu, select the font and change the text size. These changes will affect the text size of the desktop shortcuts.

5. Go back to the Preferences menu and select the App drawer.

6. Select the Icon Layout.

7. On the next menu, select a font and change the font size. The changes will affect the text of the shortcuts in the application menu.

This article describes in detail how to adjust the font size on Android. The instructions will help you figure out how to change the font size in the system settings, in a separate app and a third-party launcher.
Write in the comments if you use the font size setting or use the default font size settings.
How do I force font size on Android app?
You can use the system font change in the settings of your phone or tablet. In this case, the font size in the application will change according to the selected settings. You can also use font changing in the settings of the application. However, not all applications support font changing.
How do I change my text style font?
Some phones and tablets support font style selection in the system font settings. If this is not the case, you can install a launcher to change the font style in the applications menu and the launcher desktop. Also, owners of rooted phones and tablets can change the font style through special applications, such as the universal application ROM Toolbox.
What is Android default font size?
Most Android phones and tablets allow you to choose a font size from four presets: small, medium, large and extra large. Some manufacturers’ phones and tablets have more font selection values of 5-8. The default font size in Android is set to the second or third step.
How to change Android font?
You can use the system font style setting in the font size settings. If the phone has root access, then you can change the style in the file manager or the universal application ROM Toolbox.
How do I change font size easily?
You have to open the screen settings, select the font size option and set the appropriate size.
How do I get custom fonts on Android?
Some manufacturers of phones and tablets allow you to change the font style in the change font size menu. If you have root rights you can change the font in the file manager. You can also install a font in a universal application such as ROM Toolbox.
Why is the font so big on my Samsung phone?
Probably, in the settings of the font you set a large size. It is necessary to open the system settings, then “font size and style”. In the next menu, reduce the font size by adjusting the setting at the bottom of the screen.
What is the normal font size for mobile app?
If the font size is normal, the text on the screen should fit completely. Also, the text should not overlap. Also, each user is comfortable with a different font size. Some users like small font sizes, others like large font sizes.
Why is my Google page so small on my phone?
When you view a Google page in your browser, you may have the page viewer set to PC. If so, the page will be displayed in full size. In this case, you need to make the page bigger or you should choose to view the page on a mobile device.
Where is text size on Android?
To change the text size, you need to open the screen settings and select “text size”.
Why my font size is not changing?
For some applications, the priority of text size is set by the application settings, not by the system settings. If this is the case, you will need to open the app settings and select the text size.
Why does my font suddenly change?
Perhaps a font malfunction has occurred, or there is a conflict between the system setting and the application’s font setting. If you have selected one font size in the settings, but a different font size within the application, then the font size will change when you switch between applications. Also, the application may crash. Update the application or reinstall the application again. Often, reinstalling the application can correct font display problems.